пятница, 23 октября 2015 г.

#1 Does This Look Fun?
If the python does not scare you, the bat with a baby gorilla's arm in its mouth should.

#2 Hide Yo Kids!
Pythons not only are roaming freely among the Australian countryside, they stop in the shops and stores for a visit!
#3 There's a Snake in My Toilet!
This is not exactly the type of thing we want to find in the toilet when we stumble in and sit down at 3 AM without looking. To say the least.

#4 Snake Party!
What is it with Aussies and snakes?
#5 Fox Bats
See this ugly sucker? He is the fox bat, and he carries disease and likes to bite humans. Not a bad combo.
#6 Sharks? Dingos!
You thought sharks were scary, now consider that the other half of that one is most likely in the dingo's tummy.
#7 Surfing, Anyone?
Sharks in Australia have been known to follow surfers as they glide along the wave. Fun, huh?
#8 Crikey! It's a Croc!
The crocodile hunter Steve Irwin was not from Australia for nothing.
#9 Flood? Call the Gators!
Crocs, they go where they want. This. is. Australia.

#10 Snake vs. Croc
These snakes never fail to amaze. A full size croc, in your mouth? Unclench that jaw and chow away snakey!

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