суббота, 17 октября 2015 г.

The Exercises Note – acceptable exercise alternatives and training equipment are in parenthesis Squat (or front squat or Goblet squat) Deadlift (or trap bar deadlift or rack pulls) Reverse lunge (may use a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, or weight vest) Hip thrust (or back extension) Standing barbell overhead press (only if you have healthy shoulders and proper thoracic mobility – may also use dumbbells or kettlebells. If you can’t properly perform, or tolerate, overhead pressing, substitute a horizontal push such as push-ups or dumbbell bench press) Chin-ups (use bands for assistance if you can’t perform them with your bodyweight. I prefer, and recommend, you use a Jungle Gym or some other suspension trainer device because it’s much more shoulder and elbow friendly. If this isn’t an option, stick with a neutral grip). Push-ups (or parallel bar dips or bench press if you can perform at least 10 perfect push-ups) Inverted rows (I prefer these be performed on a Jungle Gym, but you may also use a barbell set in a power rack; may also do one arm dumbbell rows) Farmer walks Waiter carries (only if you have proper thoracic mobility; use a dumbbell or kettlebell) Note – if bodyweight exercises such as inverted rows, push-ups, chin-ups, and parallel bar dips are too easy, add weight via weight plates, weight vest, chain belt with weight plates, chains, or bands. That brief list of exercises is all you will use for this training program. Welcome to the world of minimalist training – it works. The Program Now that you know which exercises you’ll be using, let’s get to the sample training program. You’ll be performing three total body strength training sessions each week, on non-consecutive days. Something like Monday, Wednesday, and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday works well for most people. I recommend you schedule your training days when you know you’re fresh and have the most energy. For example, if Monday’s are crazy for you, don’t train on Monday’s! Set yourself up for success from the beginning. Warning! This program may cause a drastic increase in Self Confidence! Note – keep in mind that you may use the acceptable alternative exercises listed above, but only those alternatives. Training Day 1 1) Deadlift – 4×6 (4 sets, 6 reps) 2a) Standing barbell or dumbbell overhead press – 3×6-8, 1×10 2b) Suspended/ring chin-ups – 3×6-8, 1×10-12 3) Farmer walks – 5 sets x 30-50 yards

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