вторник, 20 октября 2015 г.

NBA All-Star Weekend brings plenty visitors to town. But it’s not just the players who get paid to play. To find out how some of our favorite players might be spending their free time, we talked to one of their closest confidants, Lisa Ann—host on Sirius XM Fantasy Sports radio and star of an adult film or two. She talks to GQ about why she’ll never hook up with more than one guy on a team at a time, how NBA players are the "Victoria’s Secret models" of women, and how she watches the draft every year to pick out her next conquests:

GQ: When did your love for sports turn into a love of athletes?

Lisa Ann: My personal relationship with athletes started very young. In the early nineties, athletes could come into strip clubs. I watched everything change when Mike Tyson went to jail. When that happened, everything went underground. I think that was the beginning of agents and PR guys reaching out to girls for their clients and making these incredibly private interactions where some girls would sign a waiver each time to make sure they can’t sue or mention any of it.

Those are very common these days.

It’s never happened to me, because I live in a different world. But I’m one of a very few. At any given time, I’m probably talking to a hundred of today’s athletes by text, DM or email. Out of that hundred, I may only meet 25. But I stay engaged because I’m a fan. The coolest thing about being Lisa Ann is when I follow an athlete on Twitter, he follows me back and DMs me his number because he cannot be seen following me. Years ago, Kevin Durant was following me and I didn’t even know it. As soon as it got blown up, he unfollowed me.
NBA All-Star Weekend brings plenty visitors to town. But it’s not just the players who get paid to play. To find out how some of our favorite players might be spending their free time, we talked to one of their closest confidants, Lisa Ann—host on Sirius XM Fantasy Sports radio and star of an adult film or two. She talks to GQ about why she’ll never hook up with more than one guy on a team at a time, how NBA players are the "Victoria’s Secret models" of women, and how she watches the draft every year to pick out her next conquests:

GQ: When did your love for sports turn into a love of athletes?

Lisa Ann: My personal relationship with athletes started very young. In the early nineties, athletes could come into strip clubs. I watched everything change when Mike Tyson went to jail. When that happened, everything went underground. I think that was the beginning of agents and PR guys reaching out to girls for their clients and making these incredibly private interactions where some girls would sign a waiver each time to make sure they can’t sue or mention any of it.

Those are very common these days.

It’s never happened to me, because I live in a different world. But I’m one of a very few. At any given time, I’m probably talking to a hundred of today’s athletes by text, DM or email. Out of that hundred, I may only meet 25. But I stay engaged because I’m a fan. The coolest thing about being Lisa Ann is when I follow an athlete on Twitter, he follows me back and DMs me his number because he cannot be seen following me. Years ago, Kevin Durant was following me and I didn’t even know it. As soon as it got blown up, he unfollowed me.

So when I engage, I try to be a voice of reason. First of all, I let them know who I am. I’m not a prostitute. I’m never gonna ask you for money. I do like to go to games, so if you leave me tickets at will call, I’m there. I stay involved with their careers. If they’re injured, I hit them and make sure they’re staying positive. It’s important because they’re lonely on the road.

Some guys will come to me and say, "Hey, this girl reached out to me. What can you tell me about her?" Then I can say whether she’s trustworthy. I tell them what to be prepared for. Lock your wallet, watches or anything valuable in the safe before they invite a girl up. I ask them to take her phone as soon as she gets into the room and put it in the safe as well. Have a serious conversation with her. Be honest.

Who initiates?

I normally initiate the conversation. I let them know they can’t just hit me and be like, "Hey, I’m gonna fly you here." That’s not how it works in my world. So once we get there, some drop off because they’re afraid maybe I want a relationship. Some of them utilize me as a tool. I reach out to some girls and say, "This is a friend of mine." Now they know I’m in the network and most likely they’re not gonna fuck that guy over.

How many friendships continue after their retirement?

We still keep in touch. They all stay. If they’re not married and they’re single, then I’ll hook up with them. I don’t want to be in anyone’s situation where I have some girl calling me. If I catch them lying, I call them out on it. I will stay friends with them, but I will not engage with them job anymore. I could be on the road and have someone come at me. That’s a safety thing. Most of these young guys, I’m their moms age. So I ask them, "Would you want this to happen to your mom?" That guilt I throw at them, I’m training these boys how to be better men.

How often do you have problems?

Not that often. I learned though. I caught people doing things. Before there was social media and being able to background check people, a girl would call you. "Why are you messing with my man?" Cause she found your number. That happened to me a couple times. That taught me to get more information.

Now, a player reached out to me last year and said, "I know you don’t mess with married guys but I still want to talk to you." I was like, "Alright. I think it’s great that you know that." He’s a very well known player and we talk. He does like to hook up with girls and these guys admit to me that they don’t mind paying forjob."

Because they’re paying for the discretion, not the job.

Right. Because when they go out to a club and meet a girl, they’re meeting a girl that only wants to hustle them long term anyway. They don’t want a long term relationship. They’re in town and they want to interact."

Do you ever intervene?

I have intervened. I go to the girl and try to be a voice of reason with her. "How would you feel if you were the meal ticket? How would you feel if someone you just had jobwith felt like they owned a part of you and you owed them something?" I get it. Girls want things. We live in a society where everybody wants things. So they see these guys as a vehicle to get those things. They just continuously hustle and when the guy doesn’t want to do it anymore, then the girls get mad. Then they threaten them in some way.

You have rules. How many girls don’t?

Probably everybody.

Are you more comfortable with athletes or everyday guys?

My safety with athletes is I know they’re not gonna beat me or stalk me. I’ve never had an athlete be inappropriate with me. They have more to lose than I do. Because I’m always dealing with the upper echelon. I’m not a gold digger though. I’ve made my own money and I know when I meet someone I can say, "Here’s what I’m bringing to the table." Now we have a mutually beneficial relationship where no one feels slighted.

I feel like if dudes could be with Victoria’s Secret models, that’s how I look at athletes. I’m 42. I’m looking at 18, 19, 20 year old guys. They’re little specimens. Their bodies are beautiful. They’re at the beginning of their lives, so they’re still excited, naive and simple. They’re not negative yet. There’s no ego yet. They’re not jaded. They’re fun.

So you prefer younger players to veterans?

I like the veterans if they’ve stayed on a good path. But it’s hard to stay there.

You ever feel like a trophy?

The great thing about athletes is they can’t be seen with me. So most of the time they don’t take me anywhere. At first that was a bit hard to process. Then I did meet a couple who were the opposite and did like to take me out. I did feel more like a trophy. I like the privacy. Everything else I’ve done has been so public. These secret relationships that just take place in our travels are really intimate. It becomes a special, private bond.

You took an issue with Michael Del Zotto public. Are there more players like that?

I don’t hook guys up with girls ever. But if I am close with a guy, I will give him my advice. Del Zotto reached out to me through an event. Within the first time of going out one on one, he wanted a threesome. It was just repetitive. It annoyed me so much. I said, "Dude you’re a freak and I’m going to blast you to put you in check." Sometimes I feel like I’m a silent regulator to these guys, but sometimes I feel like I have to work on the woman’s team too."

Are these guys oblivious or just disrespectful?

I think it’s both. Certain guys can look at you and get to know you and you’re no longer just that mega star. Other guys can’t get that out of their head. You’re just a mega star and every minute of your day you’re having pillow fights with ten girls.

They just want to act out fantasies.

They want to act out fantasies and they want to use me to get that to happen.

Some guys will be real specific, wanting you and a certain girl. I don’t even know or like that girl. Why do you think I want to have job with them? But from girls they think that’s what I like.

Do you ever use them to fulfill your own?

Never. I always flip it on the guy. "How about you hook me up with three of your guy friends?" No guys want to do that. It’s very seldom. If I ever get a guy who wants to do that, it’s fantastic because it wasn’t my idea. I would never bring it up because you don’t want to offend anybody.

How many relationships have you had with athletes?

In my life in the business for twenty-something years? A lot. Hundreds.

Any substantial ones?

We were never serious, but there have been some that are in my life for five or six years and we talk on at least a bi-weekly basis.

Not serious because you didn’t want it or because they didn’t?

I didn’t want to be serious with anyone while I was shooting scenes and I don’t want to be serious with an active athlete because I think they should be focusing on other things. It just weighs things down. I don’t think they’re gonna be honest on the road because I know how they operate. I think I know them too well to fall into that illusion that I’m the first and only girl.

You were with Justin Brent recently....

I love my little 19 year old.

How’d that start?

I met him at a restaurant. We exchanged numbers. He was going to be on break from school and I was like, "Hey, why don’t you come to the city and we’ll go to a Knicks game."

I like these new friendships in a weird mentor kinda way. I don’t have children. Because I did video, guys are just so honest with me, asking me job questions they might not want to ask their friends.

None are afraid or ashamed to ask? They’re supposed to be studs.

No one is afraid to ask me anything, including regular people right down to my doorman. The openness you get from being a well-known mega star is very interesting. Everyone’s had an intimate experience with me. So when I see them and make eye contact and they know who I am, there’s a moment when they look at me like I’ve almost done them a favor. Even at the airport, when I tell people what I do for a living, within minutes, they’re like, "Can I ask you something?"

Have you done any All-Star Weekends before?

I don’t think I have. This is my first one since I live here part time. So it worked out perfect.

Going to the game?

I’m trying. It’s not an easy task. I got to connect with the head PR guy at the NBA and I missed the deadline for credentials by like one day.

Do you spend more time with NBA players than other athletes?

I think it’s probably NBA because they have a longer season and they’re traveling more. Football is just seventeen solid weeks. They’re not out as much.

Is that just convenience or preference?

It’s convenience. But these are also the most fit specimens in the world. When I see them naked, it’s unbelievable. I just take mental pictures. It motivates me because I want to be in competition with them.

You ever feel players are trying to impress you?

The younger guys can usually go multiple times. The first time will be short because they’re so excited. So I just get that one out of the way. Then we’ll hang out a little bit. Watch some TV, play some video games and then we’ll go at it again. It’s like a sport for both of us at that point.

Any uncomfortable situations?

I don’t mess with multiple guys on a team at the same time. I don’t want to be in any locker room talk and I want them to feel special. There can be overnight trades where three of your dudes are on the same team. Then you just lay back for a period of time and it becomes texting only.

There was a scenario where I was in Toronto to meet with a player for the first time. I was at the game and there were three players from Orlando that I had to put on the back burner because there was a trade where one was already there and two more came in. So there was a moment where I was walking by half court going to talk to him at the sideline and as I’m talking to him, the other three are standing behind him.

My worlds just kind of collided. The three of them don’t know about each other yet. They noticed that I’m not interacting and they’re all looking at me. Then they all look at each other. Then they look at him. And I’m like, "Yup."

They all hit me later on that night. But I taught them that women can be players too.

Anyone ever fight over you?

No. I keep it really neutral.

Do they keep it neutral?

I think they know they can’t catch feelings because of me being a world star. It’s like, "I could never be with her in public. I couldn’t have my career and her." It’s the ultimate safety belt. They can’t allow it to happen.

How long have you lived in New York?

Three years.

Any Knicks?

Maybe. There may have been a Knick or two. I keep it private to protect them and respect their lives. I don’t want to jeopardize that.

How often do other women compete with you for athletes?

The animosity with them. They’re trying to say that I’m a prostitute. They can’t believe that I just have job because I like it. A lot of these girls don’t like job. They’re paycheck performers on camera and they have job for money as an escort. So I think it loses its luster when it becomes your full-time job.

Do you ever wonder about a time when athletes will move on to these other girls?

It’s already started happening. Some of them have gotten into relationships or some of them have moved on with somebody else. Or some of them are interacting with people I don’t like and I don’t wanna be a part of what they have. I don’t feel slighted. If it’s once and done, it’s once and done. Sometimes it’s just a job checklist. I’m watching the NBA draft and I’m like, "Okay. I want to be with the top three draft picks this year." It’s just a conquest of mine. I’m just doing it for shits and giggles.

None of them do I look at as attachments. There’s some you become friends with. If possible, maybe I’ll have a relationship with someone one day. My fear that I accept is that no one can ever be serious with me because of being Lisa Ann. I don’t know if they can handle it. You’re always insecure wondering when the ball is gonna drop. It’s a lot to hand somebody else. You don’t just hand it to them, you hand it to their family. You hand it to the world you’re involved with. Only the strong can hold it.

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